January 2025 Industry Report

Test your knowledge…true or false…


  1. Before the use of tees it was common for golfers to use a small pile of sand.
  2. A man has won an event on the LPGA Tour.
  3. A woman has won an event on the PGA Tour.
  4. The oldest golf course in the world is The Royal and Ancient Club of St. Andrew’s in Scotland.
  5. St. Andrew’s set the standard for number of holes in a round (18) and size of the hole (4.5 inches).
  6. Golf balls travel significantly further on hot days than on cold days.
  7. The word caddie originated from the French explorer Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac.
  8. 80% of golfers will never play to a handicap of less than 18.
  9. Golf is the only sport to have ever been played on the moon.


  1. True
  2. True, Sam Snead in 1962
  3. False, five women have played in PGA Tour events with only one (Babe Zaharias, 1945) making a two-day cut.
  4. True
  5. False
  6. True
  7. False, it came from the French word for student, “cadet.”
  8. True
  9. False, on Apollo 14 an astronaut tossed a javelin

Ryder Cup Payments

Players for Team USA will be paid to play in the Ryder Cup for the first time under a new PGA of America program.

Each player will receive a $200,000 stipend and $300,000 to distribute to charity.

Non-profit Status Warranted?

According to the PGA Tour’s 2023 tax return, Jay Monahan is the second highest paid of all chief executives in sports with more than $23 million in regular and deferred compensation. His base salary was $1,887,096 with $12.1 million in bonuses and compensation.

So much for a what the IRS considers a non-profit tax exempt organization!

Guest Fees Up and Down

The average price of a tee time (across all types of facilities) has jumped 29.2% since pre-COVID.

State with the largest increase in guest fees: Idaho (+75.4%)

State with the largest decrease in guest fees: Alaska (-3.5%)