In short order, South Street Partners has become a powerhouse in the golf marketplace with their acquisitions of Kiawah Island Real Estate, The Cliffs, Palmetto Bluff…and most recently…Naples Grande Beach Resort. Although they are investing tens of millions of dollars each year across their portfolio of golf courses…what caught my eye was an item that costs $2.99 at Home Depot. They have installed a small strip of Velcro on the pillars of golf carts to attach your golf glove. The creative idea allows you to air dry your glove between shots and is particularly useful on humid days.
Hire from the Heart
During a recent interview with the general manager (Robert Friedl) at The Montage, Kapalua Bay, one of his quotes really resonated with me. I thought it might be relevant for your next management meeting. “If you hire from the heart, you can always train the hand.”